Calorie Calculation: How Do We Compute Your Workout Burn?

Are you curious about how Gymfile, your beloved fitness app, calculates the calories you burn during your workouts? If so, you're in the right place. This article will break down the science behind it in a simple, easy-to-understand way.

Let's start with a basic principle that guides the calculation: METs.

MET stands for Metabolic Equivalent of Task. It's a standard used to estimate the amount of energy (calories) expended during physical activity. For example, an exercise with a MET value of 5 means you're burning five times the calories you would burn at rest.

So how does Gymfile use this in the calculations?

Gymfile uses the following formula:

Calories Burned = MET * Weight * Duration

This formula is a well-known method for estimating calorie burn, where MET is the metabolic equivalent of the task (as mentioned before), Weight is your weight in kilograms, and Duration is the duration of the activity in hours.

Now let's look at how Gymfile fetches these parameters:

  1. MET: The app first looks at the specific MET value of the exercise you're doing. If it can't find a MET value for a specific exercise, it uses the MET value of the primary muscle being worked out during that exercise. If that's not available, it defaults to the average MET value across all muscle groups.

  2. Weight: You, the user, provide your weight in kilograms during the app setup.

  3. Duration: The duration is computed based on the number of sets you perform and the average time you take to complete each set. If the app can't find the average time taken for a specific exercise, it uses a default value.

Gymfile runs through all the exercises in your workout, computes the calories burned for each exercise using the formula above, and adds them up to give you the total calories burned in your workout.

In conclusion, Gymfile uses an intelligent method to estimate the number of calories burned during your workout. It takes into account not only the type of exercise and the length of your workout but also your body weight. The aim is to provide a personalized and accurate estimation of your workout's effectiveness. So next time when you see the number of calories burned on your Gymfile app, you know there's a lot of careful calculation behind it!