How Gymfile Measures Your Workout Impact: A Simple Guide to Effective Sets

What's an Effective Set?

An effective set is a smarter way to count the work you're doing for each muscle during your workouts. It's not just about how many sets you do, but about how each set affects different muscles.

How Does It Work?

Imagine you're doing a pull-up:

In Gymfile, one set of pull-ups would count as:

The app does this for all exercises and adds them up, giving you:

What to Do With This Info?

Look at your effective sets to understand which muscles you're focusing on. If you see 20 effective sets for your chest but only 15 for your triceps, maybe it's time to even things out in your next workout.

Why Should You Care?


Effective sets give you a clearer, smarter view of your workout. They help you know how much each muscle is really working, so you can make your workouts better and more balanced.

Keep in mind, these muscle ratios are approximate and can vary depending on your form and technique. So, the effective sets are a useful but approximate measure.